Wednesday, January 20, 2016

In the Beginning

Hello everyone, bear with me now as my writing skill are probably not even above average. I've now spent a little over a week in Sevilla and let me tell you, its a bit warmer than Wisconsin. Surprisingly it gets very cold at night, I wrap myself in blankets and turn on the space heater for the night. Last night I had my first Soccer practice with TRIANA C.F. ( look em up. My skill level was around the middle of the pack as there were players who were better and worse than myself.

I've meet some cool people here at SAIIE, from the U.S. My Spanish is lacking slightly, well ok a lot. I'm starting to understand my host mother at all meal times. Boy oh boy is the food good here. The times are different around here, not only are we 7 hours ahead of home, but the day doesn't start till 10, mid day is 2pm and people are out till 2 in the morning normally and if they went to a club, they might not get back till 5 or 7 in the morning. Drinking is a norm around here, they don't drink to get drunk, its more about tasting the drinks. People go to the bars most day and grab a drink and a tappa, which is like an appetizer, some unique to each bar.

School is going well so far, its a little hard to understand the professors english as their native tongue is spanish. Its weird, when your professor doesn't know a word in english they can try to explain it to you in spanish and if you can somewhat understand their point in spanish then you can sometimes give them the word they are looking for in english.

Thats all for now adios,
time for a siesta

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