Lasting Memories will be my last blog post abroad.
I just wanted to take the time to thanks those who have allowed me to come here, those who helped me get here, and those who made this place unforgettable! So this post is for my Coach Enzo and teammates who push me to be a better player and person, Sami Sonks from UW-Platt Abroad, The Chipres family (directors of SAIIE), my host mother Charo and her family for every excellent meal and all they do, my teachers, the whole SAIIE staff, my coach Javi and my teammates from Triana, my peers who i've had a blast getting to know and explore our world with, and most importantly my family and roommate Cesar, without my family I would not have been able to have this chance to play soccer, study abroad, and travel through Europe. To my roommate Cesar, without you I know for a fact this semester could have gone upside down. From our first day, where I knew no Spanish and couldn't communicate with my host mom, to all of our practices helping me understand how drills go and what not, while at the same time teaching me bits of Spanish all semester, always answering my question how do you say "..." or what does "..." mean. You even helped me order food, I mean like common I would have starved without you G. You helped make every adventure great wether we were at Utopia type festivities or across the world. #softpost.
In my life I have now lost two teammates to death, I feel that if i'm taken too early as well, I could die a happy man who lived life. It was an honor to know you guys, see you when I see you Patty and Glynn.
I won't ever forget this place and the friends i've made hopefully I will be able to see you all in the states again or on another Adventures!
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